Use Meetup to Network With Other Business Owners in Your City

Use Meetup to Network With Other Business Owners in Your City

As a small business owner, it can be hard to find advice and empathy from people who understand what you're going through. Sure you probably have a bunch of people working for you, but the employee/boss dynamic means it's hard for them to understand your position. Even if you have the best employees in the world, as their boss you need to keep some degree of separation between you and them, and there are some areas of the business you just don’t want to share with your employees.

It’s even difficult for friends and family to help with entrepreneurial concerns, unless they happen to be entrepreneurs themselves. While you could certainly go to them with your problems when you’re stressed, unless they also have experience with running a business, they probably won’t be able to give you the help you really need.

All this can make it feel like it’s you against the world in your business, which can be a very damaging attitude to walk around with everyday. Fortunately it doesn’t need to be this way, and there’s a great way to connect with other likeminded people in your area.

That way is called Meetup has been around for a while now, and there’s never been more Meetups all over the world. If you visit the website you’ll see which Meetups are available in your local area — and you might be surprised at how many there are. isn’t just for business owners though, it’s for everyone looking to stay connected. As you poke your way around the website and learn how it works, you’ll see all the different types of Meetups available.

Obviously if you live in a larger city with a higher population, there will be more Meetups available for you to attend. Even if you live in a small city though, there should be several Meetups of interest to you. We recommend searching for business-focused Meetups relevant to your industry, and attend as many as you possibly can. You could meet some people who could really advance your business, or at the very least give you some new ideas to think about.

People at Meetups are generally friendly and open to meeting new people. Due to the nature of the community, you should always feel welcome at a Meetup, even if you’re a complete stranger.

But I’ve heard for business can be lame!

Sure, anything can be lame if it’s not executed correctly, including business Meetups. Here’s what’s usually happening though:

Someone will post up a business Meetup, and it will be described in a very general manner. As a result, anyone who’s even slightly interested in business will end up showing up. This means advanced business owners will show up, as well as aspiring business owners who have yet to earn their first buck. While there's nothing wrong with that, it’s easy to see why it can be frustrating for a successful business looking for an extended peer group.

Our recommendation, if possible, is to attend Meetups that are specific. Instead of attending the “Portland Business Meetup”, you could attend the “Portland SEO Provider Meetup” or the “Portland Realtors Meetup”. When things are more specific the Meetups are smaller but more focused, so the people you meet there are more likely to be better contacts.

If you don’t see the type of Meetup you’re looking for — create one! The old adage “If you build it, they will come” rings true. There are likely other people out there in the same industry and at the same level as you, looking to meet up. You just need to create the opportunity for these people to connect with each other. It’s completely free to start a Meetup, so you’ve got nothing to lose by starting one. You never know who might show up!

Dana Lindahl is a writer who specializes in content marketing for startups. His writing helps companies not only reach their customers but also drive sales.

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