America's Backbone | The Whitepaper Catalog | Ensure Uptime with Business Continuity Solutions
Ensure Uptime with Business Continuity Solutions
Ensure Uptime with Business Continuity SolutionsDownload
Primary Internet connections are typically wired via cable or DSL routers, which are susceptible to a wide range of instances in which they might fail: severe weather, downed poles and lines or simply heavier-than-usual network congestion.

If an Internet connection fails without backup, your business screeches to a halt. However, not all business decision makers are fully aware of how Business Continuity solutions can help save their organizations from these disruptive outages with backup using the cellular network instead.

Learn about the different types of Business Continuity solutions, how they work and why 4G Long Term Evolution (LTEâ„¢) cellular gateways are superior to hardwired failover connections.

Download this white paper so you are more knowledgeable about your options to keep your business running when the inevitable happens.

LTE is a trademark of ETSI.
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